Monday, March 30, 2020

The Benefits of Going to a Tutor in Person

The Benefits of Going to a Tutor in PersonWhile going to a Chinese online tutor is really helpful, it is not advisable to make this your only option when you are trying to improve your Chinese. In fact, there are many benefits of going to a tutor personally.First, having a personal tuition means that you will be able to have a good, personalized learning experience. When a teacher comes in your class, there is usually no way for you to know the background of the teacher because he or she may be an extremely nice person but may also be a little bit intimidating. By going to a tutor personally, you will not have to worry about how the other students feel about the teacher because they will all know that you are their friend.Another benefit of going to a tutor personally is that you can learn from the tutors' own experience. By looking up teacher reviews online, you will find out about the type of feedback that the tutor received in his or her private lessons. This helps you realize the kind of teacher that you can learn well from.Aside from going to a tutor personally, going to a tutor who has experience is another option that you have. Having a tutor who has an impressive amount of experience in teaching will also help you enhance your learning. You may have a tutor who has had a lot of success with students in his or her class and can give you tips about how to improve your performance. A tutor who has had a lot of experience will also be able to help you when you are not feeling confident about what you are saying or trying to study.Having a tutor who can be available at any given time is very helpful. It is always helpful to have someone who is always available for you. This means that you can relax and enjoy yourself because you do not have to be stressed out and worrying about the time when the tutor will show up.Aside from the benefits of a personal tuition, there are also the benefits of going to a tutor in person. You may want to consider having a tutor who will come to your place of work, or home, which can be very convenient. Aside from being able to improve your ability to speak Chinese, you can also take advantage of having a teacher who lives nearby your home or work.In addition to the benefits of a personal tuition, you will also have the advantage of being able to find the best possible tutor. A tutor who is in your area is not that hard to find since most tutors have an active online presence.Taking up Chinese tutoring is certainly an easy thing to do if you are really interested in learning the various things that Chinese grammar has to offer. However, it is important to keep in mind that there are both advantages and disadvantages of going to a tutor in person and it is crucial that you know what is best for you.

Friday, March 6, 2020

A Week Without A Cell Phone Changed My Life

A Week Without A Cell Phone Changed My Life Photo credit: financial philosopher Since I go to school a thousand miles away from home and Im still on my parents phone plan, I wasnt going to get a snappy replacement phone, but I was okay with that. It ended up taking a week to replace my iPhone, but it was the nicest week Ive had in a while. It was weird at first not having a mobile device attached to me at every waking moment, but in turn I gained so much freedom. Granted I had friends that could communicate for me, and I live on a small college campus so that does make phone-less-living a bit easier, but I really enjoyed my week without a cell phone. I went about my days much differently than I do when I have my phone within a 3-foot radius of me at all times. From this experience I decided that my New Years resolution is to take a day or half a day each week to turn off my phone. I am also going to try and not respond to its every beckon like my life depends on it but in truth, it doesnt. I encourage you to try something similar. I can tell you that its a liberating feeling to go about your daily life without a phone, but you wont fully understand until you try it. Think about it- when is the last time you spent an  entire day  without touching your phone? Try it. It could change your life.

3 Smart Steps to Find a Language Tutor Who Actually Gets You

3 Smart Steps to Find a Language Tutor Who Actually Gets You 3 Smart Steps to Find a Language Tutor Who Actually Gets You So you don’t want to sit in a class, but you’re hitting a wall just studying your target language on your own?The best language tutors can offer the best of both worlds.While classes with multiple students have their own strengths, they can also be frustrating because you cant learn according to your personal interests, schedule, pace and style.  Meanwhile, learning on your own can leave you feeling a bit directionless.With a language tutor, youre able to study at your own pace and focus on the skills that are most important to you, but you also have an expert speaker of the language available to correct you, explain new concepts and keep you on task. Unlike a language exchangeâ€"which costs nothing but the time you spend teaching your partner your native languageâ€"youll have a trained teacher to explain grammar and other more complex topics.Finding a great tutor can be overwhelming, though. There are thousands of teachers, so how do you know who will work best for you? Here are some suggestions for finding the right language tutor to level up your language skills. 3 Smart Steps to Find a Language Tutor Who Actually Gets You1. Find Some Potential TutorsLanguage tutors can be either online or in-person, and there are advantages to both arrangements.  Online tutors are often cheaper and don’t require you to travel anywhere, saving you both time and money. They can also use a wide variety of technological tools to display and create images in real-time, walk you through slideshows, give you a play-by-play of sentence constructions and introduce you to authentic materials.Yet I  would always choose an in-person tutor if possible. I find it helpful to have my tutor be able to draw diagrams or write out phrases and look closely at my mouth to correct my pronunciation by having me rearrange the position of my lips or tongue. In person, theres also no problem with static on the connection or Skype fails.Here are some places to find both, as well as the pluses and minuses for each option:Craigslist (or local equivalent). Craigslist tutors are easy to find, often have availability and are usually the cheapest options. But they have the least amount of vetting. You could be getting a trained language teacherâ€"or it could be someone who dropped out of school after fifth grade and has never taught anyone before (okay, thats not super likely, but certainly possible). If you find a tutor on Craigslist, you should be extra careful about making sure that the tutor knows what he or she is doing. Some local Craigslist equivalents are in China, in France and in Spain.Language schools. Language schools are probably the most expensive and least flexible option, but theres assurance that the teacher will be qualified. Language schools include cultural institutions like the Alliance Française, the Confucius Institute, the Goethe Institute and the Cervantes Institute.Universities. Go to campus and look for foreign students who want to earn some extra money, or even visiting scholars. Students usually wont charge as much as a trained teacher, but also wont be as able to explain grammar depending on the level of education and training theyve received so far. If you choose to work with a foreign student who doesnt have experience teaching, focus on working on pronunciation and speaking with them. You could look for offerings in the various departments devoted to language and culture, review the bulletin boards around campus and even post a seeking language tutor flyer on these bulletin boards yourself.italki.  The website italki has both community tutors (untrained) and professional teachers, all of whom teach online only. Its one of the cheapest ways to get a foreign language tutor.Google search for language teachers. There are tons of language tutors that market themselves through blogs and websites only.  In this case youll have to vet the teacher yourself, but theres often a trove of online material that allows you to assess how much the teacher knows and if youll understand his or her explanations.2. Evaluate Your OptionsInevitably you’ll end up with lots of teachers who seem fine. When it comes time to contact some of them, here are things you can  ask to see how well their teaching style will actually help you.What does a typical tutoring session look like?  You want someone who focuses on speaking and pronunciation during the actual session, with things like pronunciation drills, reading aloud and having you do prepared and unprepared monologues. You should be talking at least twice as much as the tutor during the actual session.Do they assign homework and correct it outside of your tutoring time? Youll also need to work on writing and grammar, but most of that should be done outside of your tutoring time. Ideally, your tutor will correct your work beforehand and go over it with you in the first five minutes of each lesson. Ask them if this is something theyll do with yo u.Can he or she explain grammar concepts?  If youre paying a teacher, he or she should understand the grammar concepts well enough to explain them. Dont fall into the common trap of assuming that any native speaker can explain grammarâ€"most of them cant. It takes special training to be able to explain grammar to a language learner. If you just want conversation practice you dont need a grammar ninja, but you should also be paying substantially less if your tutor cant do anything but chat with you.Do they have a set program or tailor their program to you?  Many language tutor have set packs and they insist that you choose a tutoring program. While that does show a certain level of organization, it fails to take advantage of the main reason for choosing a tutor over a classâ€"you get control over what you work on each lesson. You need a language tutor who will listen to your needs and create custom lesson plans. You need someone whos willing to change course when something isnt worki ng or when your priorities change.3. Trial and ErrorIf you’re looking for a long-term tutoring relationship (You are looking for a long-term tutoring relationship, right? Thats one key to making the most of tutoring in general), be prepared to do a trial session with several tutors. This doesnt have to break the bankâ€"many tutors offer discounted trial lessons that you should take advantage of. During the trial lesson, here are the things to look out for.The basics. Did the tutor show up on time, and was he or she prepared with a relevant lesson? Was he or she able to answer your questions to your satisfaction? Was he or she reasonably organized? A surprising number of tutors dont meet these basic requirements.Talk time. An exceptional language tutor will always make sure that youre doing the majority of the talking. He or she shouldnt spent time lecturing you about grammar or anything elseâ€"you should do at least 75% of the talking. For tutors who are also regular language teac hers, this can be a challenge because theyre used to talking at a room full of students, not engaging with one student one-on-one. But tutoring sessions should never feel like youre in a class in which you happen to be the only student. The tutor-student dynamic is fundamentally different, and a great tutors style should reflect that.Sparks.  This is someone youre going to meet with, one-on-one, for (hopefully) months or years. Whether or not you feel a connection to the person and enjoy his or her style and manner of being is important. Going to your language tutoring session should be a joy, not a chore, and having a tutor you like can go a long way. This doesnt mean you just want a nice tutorâ€"a good tutor is enjoyable but not afraid to be firm about homework or to correct you mercilessly.Hiring a language tutor can be one of the fastest ways to learn a language. It allows you to focus on the language skills that are most important to you and to get specific assistance with the skills that you struggle with.But a language tutor can also be a waste of money (and they can be expensive!) if you dont take the time to find a language tutor who knows what he or she is doing. The best tutoring arrangements last for months or years, so you want to take the time to find someone who will support you on your language journey and encourage you to learn  more.Take your time to find an awesome language tutor and youll be rewarded with quick progress towards fluency in your target language! And One More ThingSince youve read this far, youre obviously serious about learning languages, so you may just love FluentU.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language cont ent is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Importance of Tutoring Services

The Importance of Tutoring ServicesIf you are looking for a tutor in Fort Worth, you've come to the right place. We all want to learn how to play the guitar. With the rise of online tutoring, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find an individual that you can trust to show you the ropes.By attending one of our workshop classes, you will learn how to master the skills that will help you succeed in life. We offer a wide variety of private tutoring courses to fit every need. You can work on your finger picking skills or learn how to play the ukulele or guitar. We'll provide you with the support and encouragement you need to reach your goals.Our specialized learning course will educate you on how to better perform your guitar playing. Our studio is warm and welcoming, and offers music room and other studio facilities that are designed to prepare you for your lessons. The studios are large and completely equipped with equipment that will make you look and sound great when you're ready to take your lessons. A professional tutor in Fort Worth will teach you how to read sheet music and learn how to do common chords.They will also teach you how to control the fret board to bring out the best in your playing and develop your own style. They'll teach you how to take lessons at home from the comfort of your own home, and the tuition will include your guitar, and the necessary resources.Your tutor in Fort Worth will not only show you how to play the guitar, but will also learn the techniques you will need to become an accomplished musician. By taking their advanced lessons, you will not only become a better guitarist, but you will be able to share your music with others and eventually go on to tour the world as a professional.If you are looking for someone to play your favorite songs, we have many other options. Our tutors are experienced musicians that will give you the tips and guidance you need to improve your guitar playing. They will show you how to practice, and w hich modes to play to sound your best.Take advantage of the online tutoring program in Fort Worth. See how easy it is to learn to play the guitar, while still making music that you can hear and enjoy.

Tips For Success in Thumbtack Tutoring

Tips For Success in Thumbtack TutoringThumbtack tutoring is a great way to supplement your career while gaining valuable skills in the process. For those who have been searching for an ideal home business opportunity, Thumbtack is something to think about.One big difference between your typical work at home business and traditional tutoring is that they both provide you with great opportunities for growth. While they can be very lucrative, they are also at times a little bit challenging. The only difficulty is that it can be hard to keep up with all of the clientele that Thumbtack has to offer. Here are some tips that will help you in order to not only get the most out of your online education but stay on top of things for the long term.- As a tutor, you should remember that your first priority is your student. Your first duty is to help your student achieve their goals. If you're at a place where you are having difficulty with their goal or are finding yourself struggling, then you will want to keep that in mind when you are focusing on your lesson plans. When it comes to building your network, your goal is to reach out to as many people as possible so that you can teach as many others as possible.- If you have never taught before, then it's a good idea to build your base in order to be able to teach others. Try setting up a time in your schedule for you to tutor someone every day. Some people may need a couple of sessions a week, while others might need to take advantage of more frequent sessions. When you're setting up your tutoring schedule, you should not only find a time to do this but also put in a lot of research into who the most qualified individuals are in your area.- If you don't have the opportunity to tutor a core group of students, then you should set yourself up so that you have the opportunity to teach other individuals as well. Online tutoring sites offer such services and there are a wide variety of strategies that you can use to grow your on line tutor community. You should ask each member of your group what they would like to see from you and what you could add to your services. You should offer to teach to them once a week if they need a bit of a break from work. That's something that many businesses don't do; instead they build a scheduling schedule that is time-based and offer classes as scheduled.- Don't forget that time spent studying on your personal life will greatly affect the work you do on your business. If you're not spending time with your family or socializing, you are not going to be able to concentrate on your job. While tutoring is one of the best ways to build your personal relationships, taking time for yourself can be a great help.Thumbtack tutoring is a great way to keep you motivated as you pursue your dream of becoming a tutor. If you put in the effort to learn, develop your business and hone your communication skills, you will realize that you are on the right track. Take the time to find a mento r who will help you be successful as a tutor and you will be well on your way to your personal fulfillment.

What is it Like to Attend the State University of New York at Geneseo

What is it Like to Attend the State University of New York at Geneseo Chase is a current senior at the State University of New York at Geneseo. He is majoring in Spanish and international relations. He specializes in various levels of Spanish tutoring. Below, he shares his experience at SUNY Geneseo: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Chase: The SUNY Geneseo campus is the perfect size, neither too big nor too small. The freshman side of campus, sometimes referred to as the south side, is somewhat separated from the rest of the campus. However, its still less than a 10-minute walk to the academic buildings. The campus itself is located next to Main Street, which has restaurants and coffee shops. There is also a campus bus system that takes you around to different locations on campus, as well as to the local grocery store. A car is not necessary unless you live off campus as an upperclassman, although most off-campus living options are within walking distance of campus. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Chase: The professors and TAs are available as much as you need them. As with any other college or university, they will not seek you out. Rather, if you need extra help or have any questions, they are a simple email away. How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Chase: The dorm life situation is what you would find at any SUNY school and provides many opportunities for socialization. They recently added a new dorm, which is very modern and nice. They also recently renovated the on-campus dining hall, which has gotten much better since my freshman year. They offer gluten-free and other options for those with dietary limitations. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Chase: From my experience, Geneseo is best known for its science department, specifically physics, as well as their school of education. That is not to say that all other majors are obsolete, just that those are what the school is best known for. I, for example, double major in Spanish and international relations; I have received an excellent education for both of these concentrations. The history and political science professors were all very knowledgeable, engaging, and have superb credentials. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Chase: It was not difficult to meet people as a freshman. Geneseo has a thriving Greek life community, which I would recommend if you enjoy meeting new people. At Geneseo, its really important to get involved in an organization, whether that is a fraternity, sorority, sports team, or club. Since the school itself is rather small, its important to be in something, which in turn facilitates the process of meeting friends. How helpful are the Career Centerand other student support services? Chase: Geneseo has a really strong alumni base that helps current students get jobs or internships post-graduation. I have had friends who have gained employment because of a Geneseo connection. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Chase: There are an abundance of places to study on campus. Most academic buildings are open until 2 AM, so there is always a quiet place to study. Describe the surrounding town. Chase: Geneseo is basically in the middle of nowhere in upstate New York, which can be a bit of a culture shock for students coming from the downstate area. The closest big city is Rochester, which is about a half hour away. So, I would say there is not much to do outside the immediate vicinity of campus. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing, because it means that everyone will always be on or around campus, which leads to a more close-knit community. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Chase: I believe there are currently about 5,000 undergrad students. The class sizes were one of the main reasons I chose to attend Geneseo. Obviously, introductory lecture classes and some science classes will have over 100 students per class. Aside from those classes, though, my average class size was about 20-25 students. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Chase: My most memorable experience with a professor was in my Latin American history class my junior year. The class was the most engaging and interesting class I have ever taken in my life. I am currently doing a directed study with that same professor. Check out Chases tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Antiderivative of Trig Functions

Antiderivative of Trig Functions Antiderivative of a function is the method of finding integral of a given function. In this method we use different rules like Power rule, Substitution rues etc. and the antiderivative of the function is calculated. Antiderivative of trig functions is finding the integral of any trigonometric function. Different techniques are used in order to get the solution of antiderivative of the trigonometric functions. Example 1: Find the antiderivative of the trigonometric function sin3x. The antiderivative notation of the given trigonometric function is: sin3x dx We can use u-substitution method to find its antiderivative. Let u = 3x, then du = 3dx, dx = du/3 Now substitute the above u value in the given function We get, sin3x dx = sinu * du/3 = 1/3 sinu du Formula for antiderivative of sinx = sinxdx = -cosx + c Applying the above formula, we get: 1/3sinu du = 1/3(-cosu) + c = -1/3(cos3x) + c Hence sin3x dx = -1/3(cos3x) + c Example 2: Find the antiderivative of the trigonometric function sec2xtan2x. The antiderivative notation of the given trigonometric function is: sec2x tan2x dx We can use u-substitution method to find its antiderivative. Let u = 2x, then du = 2dx, dx = du/2 Now substitute the above u value in the given function We get, sec2x tan2x dx = secutanu * du/2 = 1/2 secutanu du Formula for antiderivative of secx * tanx = (secx)(tanx)dx = secx + c Applying the above formula, we get: 1/2secu tanu du = 1/2(secu) + c = 1/2(sec2x) + c Hence sec2x tan2x dx = 1/2(sec2x) + c